I have extensive experience in programming with R, particularly in the areas of exploratory data analysis (EDA) and data visualization. I am skilled in creating plots and charts using various R packages, and have experience developing web applications using Shiny. Additionally, I have a passion for teaching others, and find that R’s user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) is an asset in making it accessible to beginners. Overall, I have a strong understanding of R and its capabilities, and am confident in my ability to utilize it for various data analysis and visualization tasks.
Programming in Python
I have been working with Python for the past years and have gained a great deal of experience in various programming concepts. I have used Python to develop a variety of projects, ranging from basic web and desktop applications to complex machine-learning models. I have gained a strong understanding of the language and its libraries, as well as the ability to quickly and efficiently create applications. Additionally, I have seen firsthand that Python is becoming increasingly popular in the corporate world and is being adopted by many multinational companies.